Angela Rayner - Stockport Skank.TORY SCUM! TORY SCUM!


There’s a woman drunk with the terrible combination of free beer and the oxygen of a rowdy audience. She’s jumped up on a table, taken off her blouse, is swinging it vigorously around her head, exposing her sagging breasts and blotchy chest. Shouting out what she knows the braying audience will appreciate.




Although you could be forgiven for thinking you had taken a wrong turn and ended up in one of those pubs where no body of any standing would knowingly go near, let alone go through the door, this is in fact a fringe group of supporters of the Labour Party. And the rather unattractive woman on the table? Her Name is Angela Rayner and she is the Labour Deputy Leader. A woman devoid of finesse, class or social graces, she's been in politics since 2015.


Angela Rayner is the sort woman you will find in back-street bars approaching complete strangers asking them ‘Buy us a drink luv’ berating them if they refuse. She’s preying on the weak-willed or those too intoxicated to know better, those who are passing through and just wanted a quick drink after working all day fixing the things the locals are too unemployed to do themselves. All the local men, and a few of the rougher looking 'wimmin' in the pub have already embarrassingly been 'through' this woman at one time or another, most still need the Prescription Cream as a regretful reminder.


Who hasn't been to a sports bar or a football match where the cheering is so loud that your ears are on the point of bleeding in protest and yet above it all, above the noise of hundreds of fans erupting all at once like an atomic bomb going off just outside the window, despite this ear-splitting noise you can still clearly make out the demonic noise coming from Angela Rayner's mouth! And once you have heard her she can never be unheard! Even when she does finally stop, taking a break to gulp down her 'Hand-Job-Cider', she is still echoing around inside your head, attacking your very essence. And to add insult to deadly-injury she is just about to start screeching again.


If Angela Rayner were alive over a hundred years ago she would have been the perfect ‘Fish-Wife’. Loud, course and undesirable by any man other than a fisherman - he only taking her as a bride because of these attributes, and absolutely nothing else. With her mouth she would have been able to sell all of his daily toils in a matter of a few hours. Her course voice, language and appearance would have caused even the hardiest of souls to buy up her stock just to have the quietness return again.


Angela Rayner is the sort of woman who latches onto every new starter at the company where she works and pretends to be a good work colleague, and that she will 'look after' them, and keep them away from the 'Wrong Uns'. In reality she does very little work herself, spending all the time telling the new recruit about her year-round yeast infection, her unnaturally off-coloured vaginal discharge just before her irregular periods start, how she scares men off because they "Weak men can't 'andle a strong woman like me!" and that "Everyone else has a problem, not me!" Due to her laziness at work her colleagues have to knuckle down and work harder to make up for her shortfall. Despite complaining to management about her she has never been disciplined because management know, a) she’ll turn on the water-works and claim she had a poor upbringing even though everyone knows her parents were loving and attentive, b) she’s suffering PMT, PMS, ADDS, PND, and every other acronym that simply means ‘Fucking Lazy!’

On a company night out, despite never being invited, she manages to find the venue, gate-crash it, then demand everyone does things her way. She’ll drag unwilling work colleagues into pubs and bars she frequents just to prove to the locals there that she does have friends, and that giving hand-jobs for cider isn’t her only source of income.


Angela Rayner is a typical Stockport girl, placed on the ‘Too Stupid To Use Contraceptives’ register as soon as they start their period and become sexually active, typically at the age of twelve; though this may be younger if they have older male siblings. The Family Planning Clinic resorted to this register as it’s cheaper to set aside the 'Morning After Pill' everyday than it is for the inevitable abortion or fostering costs. Most Stockport girls are introduced to drink while very young by a boundary-ignoring-step-relative; frowned upon but not illegal there.


Angela Rayner is. . . . a typical Labour MP. Simple and sad as that is. She’s loud mouthed, foul mouthed, doesn’t care for nor will she listen to anybody else's opinion. There's no point talking to a Labour MP because they already know what you want and what you need. She is what the Labour Party has stooped to. In fact they should never use the term ‘Labour’ because this implies that they are working for the 'Working Class People', when in fact those days have long gone. The last UK election proved this point when their working class voting base deserted them in their millions, instead doing the unthinkable and voted Tory instead, choosing to vote for Bollock Brained Boris! The sound of millions of dead miners and trade-unionists turning in their grave’s was clearly heard for many days afterwards.

The political party formerly known as 'The Labour Party' have become so woke, so leftie, so retarded that their real underlying Marxists leanings are now so clearly visible that even their most staunch supporter has had to do some pretty major soul-searching at the balot-box, then shamefully wasting their tick on a vote for Labour.

Recently Angela posted a Tweet aimed at Priti Patel (Home Secretary at the time of this piece) demanding that Priti and her department does something about the rising number of cases of violence against women as reported by major news outlets (2 hi-profile cases, and just a couple of domestic attacks). I absolutely agree with her, but . . .

The number of violent attacks on white women by white men in the UK is actually quite rare, when it does happen it is usually committed by someone the victim knows – husband, parent, pimp. So in reality she is just 'Virtual Signalling' something her ilk are very good at. You see, Angela Rayner has only been in politics since 2015 and yet somehow she has managed to trump those with many years more political experience, knowledge and general intelligence, and yet after just four years in politics she is second in command of a political party. In the business world you only get that far up the food-chain by 'Blowing' the right people or . . . . Nope, can't think of anything else. However, in politics things work a little differently. In politics you can rise to the top table not by just by 'Blowing' the right people, in politics (as in local government) you can get there by being an obnoxious cunt. This is how it works. Pretend to support the latest group of oppressed people. Due to diversity in the workplace policies you get a job. Doesn't matter what job as you will get training to do that job. Feel great because you got that job despite all of the other candidates being vastly more qualified for the job than you. Fail the training and be an obnoxious cunt. Your boss can't sack you for being a useless cunt so instead recommends you for a job that is in a different department to his, but is also one rung further up the ladder. And repeat! *2


Despite the horrific nature of these two recent high-profile cases, sad as they are for all concerned, they would be difficult to predict. One was a London copper with a secret taste for violent sex and the other was an 'islamic follower' not happy that a woman 'islamic follower' wasn't burdened down with a black ‘Casper the Ghost’ costume, both 'men' killing their victims. Unless we develop a means to read the minds of criminals like these we're never going to stop these sorts of attacks, and we certainly don't want Tom Cruise turning up with three people in a bath and a bag of coloured balls now do we! What would be a great deterrent though is if these two men, and any one who also commits a similar crime against women and children is physically castrated! In my book a man who hits a woman isn't a man *1. Instead of state sponsored castration the UK government is going to waste tax payers money on a new emergency contact number just for women – 888. This new number will be 'Manned' solely by 'Women' so any callers can be sure they won't have to explain their predicament to a man, because, you know, all men are rapists. Obviously this new number will still connect any caller to exactly the same call-centre as 999 does, and will probably have exactly the same responses - "Sorry, there's a 6 hour wait for an ambulance", "sorry the police will only attend if the case is an easy prosecution", etc. I would be interested to learn the thinking behind how this telephone number – 888 - is going to help an abused wife more than 999 used to do.


My real issue with Angela's tweet to Priti Patel is this:

Since the 1980’s there have been a growing number of islamic ‘followers’ who have been able to drug, torture and rape vulnerable White English Girls up and down the country, the perpetrators apparently able to do so without detection for years on end.

This isn’t just one 'islamic follower’ in a run-down part of town getting ‘lucky’ with a drunk townie, No, this is rape and torture on an industrial scale with ten’s of thousand of vulnerable White English girls being attacked by thousands of these . . . 'Pond-Scum Low-Life Goat-Fucking Pieces of Shit!'

Most of these cases only came to light when a concerned member of the public reported their findings to the police, although rather than investigate the 'islam following' gangs as they should have done, what the police actually did was accuse these witnesses as being 'Racists' and threatened them with prosecution instead.

When the BBC, ITV, and other news outlets can be bothered to show a report regarding these rape gangs it is always reported as an 'isolated case' and 'nothing to be concerned about'. What they don't say is that these isolated incidents are in Rochdale, Blackpool, Leeds, Stockport, Birmingham, Derby, and every other town and city in the UK! *3

In fact anywhere in the country where there is a Labour stronghold. The Labour Party is the glue that binds these gangs together. Labour councils are responsible for the poor state of care for these young white girls. Labour Social Workers ignore pleas for help from these young vulnerable white girls, Labour run police forces ignore these girls when they try to report the 'islam following' rape gangs. Labour run media outlets refuse to report on the extent of these 'islam following' rape gangs. The Labour Party Politicians allow their local councillors to keep the true extent of the 'islam following' rape gangs out of public knowledge. A female Labour politician even said publicly 'These girls just need to shut  up for the sake of diversity!' When you can't even support your own sex, when you think it's OK for young girls to be drugged, tortured and raped by those of the same retarded religion as you, how fucking low must you be! *4 How despicable of a person must you be to even think this kind of shit!? I'll tell you how despicable. you need to be a fucking muslim, and a Labour MP!

The Labour party know that they will always have the vote of the 'islam followers' so will do anything, literally anything, to keep that vote. Angela Rayner, along with every other Labour supporting worker is a fucking hypocrite of the lowest kind. Telling other people to make the world a safer place for woman while knowingly allowing dirty scum-bags free reign to drug, rape and torture young vulnerable white girls. Angela Rayner you are a CUNT!!! Not only are you a CUNT, you are a TOXIC CUNT!


*1    This series of events leading to inappropriate staff being given jobs that they are woefully unskilled for, and the subsequent training at great expense has actually been witnessed on many separate occasions by the author. On one occasion a school governors son who was working in the refuse department in April was then in charge of internet roll-out to the entire districts schools by early June - a huge step up in less than seven weeks.

*2. There is an exception to this rule. If confronted by a 'Gobby Bitch' (Angela Rayner for instance) who despite being warned to ‘Shut The Fuck Up!’ still insists on being a 'Gobby Bitch', then a good slap across the cheek should suffice.

 *3. Think I'm exaggerating? The information is easy to find with just a simple search on your favourite online search engine. Maybe contact the councils concerned and open a 'Freedom of Information Request' and see what you get back. Overall it's pretty scary to think this sort of behaviour goes on virtually unchecked in a modern society.

 *4. This comment was actually posted by Naz Shah on Twitter back in 2017, she quickly deleted it though due to the backlash she rightly received for it. She's so stupid (Labour MP) she thought deleting it would be the end of it, and didn't factor in that even people of low general intelligence (although not as low as a typical muslim it appears) know how to retrieve deleted online messages. As a woman(ish) herself you would be forgiven for assuming she would do anything to help these young girls safe from harm, putting away men(again, ish) so that maybe her own children would be safe from rape and torture. The thing is though, her kids are safe because these 'islam followers' don't want to rape 'islam following' young girls, they want vulnerable white English Girls instead. The only things that do worry 'islam following' young girls is: a) being married off to their 60 year-old uncle, b) being married off to their cousin, c) being sent back to their shit-hole home country to 'meet' their relatives (code for 'You’ve become too Westernised, so now you're going to disappear for good').



As always I am happy to receive messages of support, abuse, tit-pics, etc, and I will copy here what I get. I would love to get something from a (Party Previously Known as) Labour supporter, or even an MP to share their thoughts on the above, I'm always happy to debate.

Hunter Bidet.


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