
Upon first meeting a libtard you, as a right thinking person, will base your assumptions of that persons character as the conversation grows. A libtard however assesses your worth to them by the mount of victimhood they see in you. Are you a white male? Then you are part of the patriarchy, have life-long white privilege, and you've already fallen into their hatred for life group! They will try to catch you out at everything you do, they have become completely toxic and need avoiding at all costs! Do not even try debating with them, they'll just scream in your face. No words will come out, they'll just scream and scream. *1

If you're a white female, then you are white, so have white privilege, but are female so you're a victim at the hands of the white supremacist patriarchy. Because you are a white female they'll suffer you until you try to make intelligent conversation, at which point you are poison to them, and they'll hate you forever. This is more evidence if you're a pretty white female who likes to wear nice clothes.

What they really want, in actual fact need, is a person of colour, especially female, the darker you are the more of a victim you are to them, and the more self-satisfaction they gain because of it. They're basically parasites feeding off the perceived victim-hood that the you possesses.

Try to tell them that you, as a person of colour, feel no prejudice from anyone at all and they will tell you it's because you have been 'conditioned' to not see racism, oppression, etc, so you cannot see it yourself, but it is there every where you go, and it is the libtards sole goal in life to protect you from it; at least, until an even more oppressed person comes onto the scene, at that point you'll be thrown to the floor faster than a libtard having their 'Terrible Twos Tantrum' after being miss-gendered by one of the many stray cats they have roaming around their bedsit.

Libtards will happily defend a child rapist if that child-rapist is a person of colour, especially if the young rape victim was white, because if you remember a person of colour scores higher on a libtards victim-hood chart than a white person of any age or sex.

These libtards are easy to avoid if you know the signs - just look out for people with non-natural hair colour, facial hair (both male and female), piercings in and around their face, facial tattoos, anyone who is fat but not very jolly*2, any female who is wearing completely inappropriate clothing (for her age and size).

Just a quick one on the facial tattoos and piercings - this is clearly a mark of someone who truly hates who they are and what they look like. They destroy any resemblance of humanness by mutilating their face, their body, and especially their genitals. They especially like tattoos of their latest transient cause placed prominently on their face or body so everyone walking past takes notice of it. Every stranger who glances their way adds to the libtards lack of self-worth.

These facial piercings and tattoos also have the added benefit of ensuring no right thinking employer would ever consider giving them a job, helping to ensure they can spend as much time as possible on social media hating everyone else as much as they hate themselves. If they do need to get a job then they know the only employer who will accept them is the local council, so that's where they end up. They are proud they do a piss poor job, and the council don't care less because they have a bottomless pit of tax-payer money to draw from, and it shows they are making their quota of employing minorities and mentally retarded..

In reality these people are mentally ill, society is collapsing a little bit day by day because we're changing our way of life, our standards of humanity for the lowest common-denominator. We're bankrupting our sensibilities for the sake of the mentally ill. The old saying 'The lunatics are running the asylum' has never been truer than it is today!

Most of these libtards are the product of genetically weak parents. Parents who for whatever reason didn't learn from their parents how to love, nurture and raise their children. Like 'Chinese Whispers' each generation has lost a large proportion of the parenting skills that were second nature just a few decades ago. The cause for this decline in humanity has many causes and reasons, but for me, the biggest reason is that parents are just too lazy to care. Every human has the desire to procreate, to pass on their genes, to nurture and raise the next generation, it's part of the basic programming of every living creature, regardless of size and abilities. Modern humans still posses that basic desire to procreate, but unfortunately most no longer have the desire to put any effort into the actual upbringing tasks required to nurture a young mind into a fully grown independently thinking adult.

And so we have these weak minded libtards who have no social skills, no ability to be independent, and certainly no ability to co-exist in a normal society. Sadly this is repeated until their Polycystic Ovaries give out and they become sterile (small mercies!)


Many people say we're heading towards 'World War Three', and within the next decade conflicts will have exploded (literally!) over two thirds of the planet, killing hundreds millions both directly and indirectly.  You would think such an event would decimate the weak minded libtard population but I don't think it will. These people have no allegiance to the national flag they live under, sure they've reaped the benefits (literally and figuratively) but do not associate 'taking' with 'paying back', so they are the least likely to volunteer for active service. Going off to fight will be left to the brave, the gallant, the proper men. While these strong hearted men are off fighting a politicians war the libtards will be living happily at their parents home playing 'Call of Duty' all day in their darkened room while watching their sisters' Only Fans page on a loop.

Even conscription wouldn't be a threat to them, in the past 'conscientious objectors' would have been shunned by their friends and family, shamed by their actions they would have been treated like a leper, and rightly so. Nowadays these libtards will have a tattoo on their forehead proclaiming 'It's not my war!' or something similar, wearing it proudly for all to see. 


Be absolutely assured 'World War Three' won't go the same way as the first two did. With Russia, China, North Korea, and most of the Middle East fighting against us we will lose! By how much we lose depends on our politicians*3, our resources*4 and our fighting force*5. So yeah, we'll be completely fucked within a year, probably less! 


What's the solution? The same as it has always been: Be strong parents, bring up strong children, stop voting for weak politicians who prioritise their image, their crap god, and the people of enemy states before the good people of the UK, stop voting for weak politicians who think the world is one big happy place and we don't need to defend ourselves, stop buying products from companies that encourage this sick woke agenda, stop watching shit TV and shit news. The list goes on, but basically look how we lived before the 1980's and do that instead.


The best way to stop a war from happening? Destroy all of the tax-payer funded bomb shelters the politicians had built for their own protection from the wars they plan to create. If they've nowhere to hide from it, then they're least likely to cause a war in the first place.



*1. I've witnessed this first hand myself. I don't know how the altercation started but this young guy (I'm guessing) was screaming right into the face of an elderly gentlemen. This poor man was obviously bewildered by this treatment and didn't have a clue what to do. After a moment or two he picked up his shopping bag (it looked like it had been knocked out of his hand), turned around and just walked off. Seeing this the libtard changed from screaming to calling the old man extremely vulgar names. The libtard showed no remorse or shame for the way he had treated the elderly gentleman, nor any embarrasment for his outburst in front of a shopping centre full of people. Within seconds both were gone from sight, and everyone carried on as normal. Apart from me.

*2. Everyone knows jolly fat people have a soul so will never be a libtard.

*3. Don't worry, our politicians will come out of it OK, a few might have lost a son or a daughter, but most will be unscathed and possibly even a bit more richer due to the shares in the Russian arms company they invested in just before declaring on Russia.

*4. It takes roughly 300KW to melt 1 tonne of steel in preparation for casting. It also took roughly the same to get your raw iron from iron ore. Once cast, the steel for artillery shells needs to be forged into its final rough shape, then machined to tight tolerances. As an example a 1.2 tonne naval artillery shell requires 1MW of total energy to be created from 6 tonnes of raw materials. This obviously doesn't include the energy required to create the explosives if it's for bombardment purposes, nor does it include the energy required to make 300KG of propellant. How fast do you think production would be when we're relying on solar and wind for that energy, not forgetting the gas required that certain people want banned.

*5. The UK has a population of roughly 70 million total population. 23 million of them are of fighting age. 12 million are men. 6 million are capable of fighting. 4 million would dodge the draft. That leaves 2 million men, and around 100 thousand woman willing to fight and defend this country of ours. Fight and defend this country while 19 million people sit back and do fuck all. Although some of the 19 million would probably be on protest marches through London because 'our guns are killing the soldiers of the opposing team'.

Just for comparison China can, and will, call upon 610 million of her citizens to fight us. Russia can add another 50 million. Pakistan has 36 million.

The West, due to our libtard policies would turn up at the battlefield at 0900 Monday morning with a fighting force that's only 2% the size of the opposing team. By end of day at 1700 we'd be wiped off the map, completely and forever!